4 Reasons IT training SUCKS!

4 Reasons IT training SUCKS!

  [header2 text=”1.    Theory with no relevance” align=”left” color=”#336A40″ margintop=””] No matter how amazing a training course is, how effective the trainer is and how much was learnt on the day, if the...
KRACK Wireless Access Vulnerability

KRACK Wireless Access Vulnerability

[header2 text=”KRACK – Wireless Access Vulnerability” align=”left” color=”#336A40″ margintop=””] It’s been all over the news that the dastardly hackers have struck again, this time hitting your favourite wireless. ...
Another Scammer example

Another Scammer example

[header2 text=”Not the worst we’ve seen, but equally effective” align=”left” color=”#336A40″ margintop=””]   The scammers never stop.  This latest attempt is extremely poorly written.  But when you follow the...
Giving clients better response times

Giving clients better response times

[header2 text=”Speeding up our service” align=”left” color=”#336A40″ margintop=””] To speed up our service, we’ve introduced a new ‘ticket’ (job) logging system. This is in additional option to ringing us or emailing our...