Kinetics News

Is public WiFi safe?

Is public WiFi safe?

Free public WiFi can be tempting.Whether it is in cafe, an airport or a shopping centre, free Wi-Fi is very tempting. Who wouldn’t want faster data, without the cost. But, as with anything that is free, be very careful! It is very easy to become a victim of something...

Why so quiet? (where was last month’s newsletter?)

Why so quiet? (where was last month’s newsletter?)

We lost a month!  No August newsletter. Apologies for that (although you probably have so many emails and messages that you may not have noticed). We're super busy - here's what is going on!Our Christchurch office is moving. Our new office is just up the road from the...

What can you expect if you get crypto-locked?

What can you expect if you get crypto-locked?

!Right now, there’s a crypto-locked server in the lab in our Kinetics Auckland Office. It’s not from one of our clients, but a business that’s come to us, after the event, asking for help. We are busy rebuilding it and restoring the data and configuration to the...

Who is Tina?

Who is Tina?

Meet Tina Moulynox , our new Engineering Services Manager.   Tina manages our engineering team, from recruitment to development, planning and all the support in-between.   Tina, Welcome to Kinetics - You've been here a few weeks now - When did you actually...

We’re looking for people (you probably are too)

We’re looking for people (you probably are too)

I'm not convinced about the 'Great Resignation' but I do think there are a few people evaluating their futures. Covid and lockdowns have taught us to think about who we are, where we are and what we want to be doing, and that's healthy.   Like every organisation I've...

MFA is important, but it is no silver-bullet.

MFA is important, but it is no silver-bullet.

There are no silver bullets. No one can guarantee you won’t be hacked, but we can make it harder. We can reduce your cyber-risk by taking reasonable steps to make it harder to hack you. The key is to have layers of security, and to keep reviewing the technology in use...

Disaster at Kinetics

Disaster at Kinetics

Sometimes, it feels like there is only bad news.    All businesses face challenges with suppliers, our own people and even some of our customers.  As managers, we work hard to get ahead of issues and create systems to mitigate problems, but there’s always something. ...

Happy Retirement Internet Explorer

Happy Retirement Internet Explorer

Dear Internet Explorer 15th of June is your last day. No more support and you’ll effectively stop working. You’ll fade from our desktops and in time, Windows Update will clean up and even remove your icon from our screens. To be fair, most of us won’t notice. You’ve...