Kinetics News

Zero-Trust Networking for real business?

Zero-trust sounds extreme Humans like to trust.  We trust everyday as we drive down the street that the people coming the other way will stay in their lane.  We trust that the restaurants we visit prepare our food properly and hygienically. We trust that our doctor...

Are your back ups keeping up?

Are your back ups keeping up?

Why do we need offsite, air-gapped backups? About ten years ago the age of the tape ended. USB 3 was the nail in the coffin for tapes. Finally we had something that was just as fast, but supported random access. At about the same time, we moved from data backups, to...

Deepscan Antivirus and AntiMalware

Deepscan Antivirus and AntiMalware

We've warned before about vulnerabilities like Spectre and Meltdown. The basic precautions are to keep your Windows, Office and other software completely up to date, and of course keeping your anti-virus current. That’s going to stop most things but lately we’ve seen...

One charging cable to rule them all?

One charging cable to rule them all?

How many old phone chargers do you have tucked away at the back of cupboards? It is such a waste of resources to have all those plastic and metal boxes that you don’t want to throw way, but can’t be sure you will ever use again. Just to make things slightly worse,...

Helping you with Cyber Insurance Audit Forms

Helping you with Cyber Insurance Audit Forms

Cyber Security Audits are increasingly common. One cause is that we're seeing more boards ask about cyber security posture, and frankly every board needs to be asking about that. The other major prompt we see is when our clients are applying for cyber security...

The 5 questions you will asking about Windows 11

The 5 questions you will asking about Windows 11

1. What is it? We’ve mentioned before that Microsoft had stated that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows and it would simply keep being updated. That’s played out well over the last many years, but now we do have a new version – Windows 11. New Windows 11...

Don’t be in the 67,500

Don’t be in the 67,500

It might be our nearest neighbour, rather than us, but its still a good indicator of the trends that we're also seeing in New Zealand. We have to remember that much cyber-crime is still not reported.  Whether it's out of embarrassment or commercial sensitivity, we...



If you suddenly can't print at work, it might NOT be you!   It could be the "PrintNightmare" problem   For months Microsoft has been battling to release a reliable update for a problem called “PrintNightmare” that’s been happening since Microsoft released an...

Making Teams presentations stand out

Making Teams presentations stand out

How to put yourself in the picture and make your online presentations look really professional!We are all looking for ways to stand out, apart from others.  Lockdown has taught us that we don't have to be in the same room any more to present to clients, partners and...