Christmas 2017

by | Dec 15, 2017 | News


Its Christmas time again and the signs are its going to be great summer.  No matter how good the weather is, we know that many of us need to keep in touch with our clients and our business.

[header2 text=”Our Hours” align=”left” color=”#3ec940″ margintop=””]

Kinetics will be open every business day other than statutory holidays.  Evenings and weekends our on-call staff are available to assist if needed, at our after hours rates. If you need us on a statutory holiday, we are available then too. On those days the minimum charge is increased to cover our statutory obligations to our employees.

[header2 text=”Backups” align=”left” color=”#3ec940″ margintop=””]

If you are still manually swapping offsite backup disks and the role is being passed between two people.  Make sure the hand over takes place a few days before needed.   Have both people change the disk for several days, to ensure a successful transition.  You will be surprised how common it is for instructions to be lost in translation.

With better internet and backup technology.  Many of our clients have ditched the disk swap, for automated offsite backups.  Clients with our KARE Offsite service have their backups replicate offsite using the internet.  They need have no concerns.  KARE will manage and maintain backups though out the holiday period.

[header2 text=”KARE Clients” align=”left” color=”#3ec940″ margintop=””]

Our proactive team will keeping an eye on everything for you.  If we need to use an alternative call list over this period.  Let us know who to contact, how and during what times.

[header2 text=”Relax” align=”left” color=”#3ec940″ margintop=””]

Relax.  We only get one summer a year in New Zealand.  Enjoy it.