Kinetics COVID Policy

by | Jan 10, 2022 | News

Our Covid-19 approach.

A number of clients and partners are asking us about our Covid-19 policy, so we thought we’d share it!

Like many workplaces, we’ve extensively consulted our team and worked through their range of views.


Our workplace requires all visitors to scan in with their Covid certificate.


We have created new sign-in apps for each of our offices using Microsoft 365, and all visitors must scan their pass before going further. The apps also require they answer several questions such as asking who you are meeting with etc.

Like other businesses, all our staff are being encouraged and supported to get their boosters, and to stay home if they have Covid-like symptoms.


If, or when?

Minimising the impact of Covid on the workplace.

But, like many organisations, it does seem inevitable that we will have people that are exposed or even become infected with Covid.  We are maintaining all of our work-from-home protocols and we have the luxury of twin offices to reduce any impact.

Supply chains remain strained, and we’re only too aware of the challenges in nearby jurisdictions like Australia as Omicron takes hold and the people we rely on become unavailable.

This year will put pressure on us all, and we stand ready to support our clients, our team and our partners as best we can