Microsoft Office competency testing

by | Apr 6, 2017 | News, TIPS TRICKS AND HINTS

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How do you know your staff skill level with Microsoft Office?

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Measuring the productivity of chickens is easy … you just count the eggs. Measuring productivity of those using Microsoft Office is much trickier.

Recently a number of clients have asked about benchmarking their users’ skill, so they can focus staff development and training on specific organisational needs. We have been looking at practical options to assess user skills and believe measuring against “MOS” Microsoft Office Specialist is the most appropriate.  It’s widely accepted as a global benchmark.

We have researched and found a practical test that provides useful output. It can be completed in under an hour (for each application) from your own computer.

These assessments are typically sold on a per-application basis and are relatively expensive when purchased on a per user basis.

We have negotiated a bulk purchase of these assessments for our customers on a basis that allows people to test on a range of applications for less than the cost of a single licence.  It is extremely cost effective and good value for your money.

When people have completed the assessments, a report is provided or we can work with you to analyse and import the results into your systems.

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We will be placing a bulk order for these licences on 1 May.  If you would like to be included or want more information, please contact us. Firm orders are required by the 27th of April so we can place the single master order for all our customers interested.

If people wish to progress beyond this and sit the formal MOS exam, we can also assist with this.