What does “The Largest IT Outage in History” mean for KARE subscribers?

by | Jul 22, 2024 | News

You may be aware of the Global IT issues that started late on Friday 19th.

It has been called the “largest global IT outage in history”. We appreciate that many services were impacted, and this has caused disruption and stress to many in our communities. Issues being reported include airlines, banks and payments and more.


As readers will be aware, the outage was caused by a update error from global cyber-security vendor “Crowdstrike”. Read more.

Threat Levels

Anecdotally, there has been an increase in hacking activity in the wake of this event, notably with phishing attacks. This is a good time to remind everyone to be extra careful and think before you click.

For clients with Kinetics KARE, please note that our support has not been impacted by the global IT outages.

Your systems should continue to run normally.

Kinetics does not use Crowdstrike. We use an alternative product, and our supplier has reassured us they have protocols in place to prevent such an issue on their platform.  We are aware of a small number of clients who rely on software from other parties, such as point of sale platforms, and these systems may have been impacted. We are available to assist as required. Platforms supported by Kinetics KARE should be operating as normal.

We have been monitoring this situation since we became aware of it and will advise of any changes as required.