Why so quiet? (where was last month’s newsletter?)

by | Aug 25, 2022 | News

We lost a month!  No August newsletter.

Apologies for that (although you probably have so many emails and messages that you may not have noticed).

We’re super busy – here’s what is going on!

Our Christchurch office is moving.

Our new office is just up the road from the old one, so it’s physically close, but the environment is a significant improvement.

We’ve purchased a small office in Riccarton, and we’re just finishing a fit-out that will give us more break-out space, and in fact more space in general.  

We’re expecting to move in late September.


We’re selling our ‘FlightPlan’ IP!

We’re incredibly proud of our FlightPlan system and our quarterly reporting. We’ve built our strategy around these as we’ve come to appreciate how effective this is for our clients.  We call that the Kinetics Method.

We hadn’t realised just how unique it is, or just how good it is until a few of our friends with similar businesses overseas asked us to share it.

So we are!  We’ve spun up a new business called ‘getKambium‘ and spent the last several months getting ready, and now we’re launching it as a product for other IT firms from Sept 1st.  The effort to get this ready has been immense and now we’re ready.

We’ve been hiring!

Almost every business we know has had the same challenges – retaining and recruiting key people.  Whether it was lockdown or something else in the water, we’ve all experienced significant challenges keeping our teams together.

I’m excited by the new talent we’ve recruited and the structures we’ve built to support them and we look forward to them making themselves known to our clients over the coming weeks.

In the photo, L-R, Aman, Chris, Jop, Cons and Raji have all recently joined us.

By the way, if there are particular topics you’d like to see us cover more, or things you find particularly interesting in our newsletters, please reply and let us know so we can keep ensuring our content is relevant to your needs.